
            The general purpose of these web pages is to share some of the work I have done in various areas of science.  I want to share in the spirit of C.L. Stong’s “Amateur Scientist” column in Scientific American.  In other words, provide interesting topics, typically in the form of experiments, provide an interesting experimental approach which often involves construction of scientific equipment and finally a stimulating discussion of results, implications and further experiments.  I grew up scientifically reading, reading and rereading his works.  I have also followed the work of Forrest M. Mims starting with the Engineer’s Notebooks sold through RadioShack many years ago.  John Strong (Procedures in Experimental Physics) has also been an inspiration.  Some of the work presented here will be simple and often connected with several other presentations. Some extensive projects will also be included.

            For prospective, I am a retired professor of chemistry and biochemistry.  My specialty was bioinorganic chemistry although I liked to dabble in many areas.  Not one to stop learning, I obtained my amateur radio license a few years back.  Much of my career in chemistry involve building electronic and laser-based instrumentation.  I eventually taught a “shop” course to help the graduate students understand simple aspect of glassblowing, machine shop work and construction of electronic equipment.

            I would like to thank Alan Yates for the contents and organization of his web site that inspired me to contribute to the community is a similar way.  I must also thank Glenn Kilpatrick for making my site real.

Bill, KG5ZCI

Assume for the moment that you believe that God created all things.  It seems reasonable to assume that He would want us to explore all his creations with all the senses and creativity that He has given us.  I plan to continue doing just that!
